Eren Design & Remodel

5 Keys to a Better Tucson Home Renovation Experience

Renovating your home is an exciting undertaking. It’s fun and full of expectations. But don’t kid yourself—it’s also a disruptive process. Some homeowners seem to sail right through it and enjoy it.

Others would rather have their wisdom teeth out! What can you do to ensure that you fall into that first category?

You may not be doing the physical, hands-on work of the renovation, but your still have a significant responsibility. How you handle your responsibility will determine how you and your contractor enjoy the home renovation process. Here are five keys that will make the experience better for both of you!

1. Get the Space Ready Ahead of Time

Don’t make your contractor work around furniture, drapes, decorations, pictures, and appliances. In addition to making it easier for contractor to work, you’ll keep your things from getting damaged and dirty (and there will be a lot of dust!).

2. Make Yourself Available. You need to be prepared to make a lot of small decisions that will surface once construction begins. Even though your builder has the “big picture”, there are little decisions he’ll want to consult with you about—because he wants you to be happy. And sometimes these little decisions can cause big delays. So make sure you are accessible.

3. Don’t Wait to Order. The last thing you want is for your construction crew to be standing around waiting for something to show up. Make sure you’ve got everything (appliances, cabinets, flooring, lighting) ordered before construction starts.

4. Expect the Unexpected. No matter how well you—and your contractor—plan, unexpected events occur. You may uncover a structural problem that nobody knew about. You may have trouble getting some parts because of bad weather. You need to realize that there are some things your contractor just can’t control. Be patient.

5. Don’t Be Shy. It’s true that you need to let your builder do his job. But some homeowners wait for “just the right time” to bring up an issue that’s bothering them. Don’t wait. If something seems wrong, bring it up (politely). Too often, the longer you wait, the harder it is to fix.

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