Eren Design & Remodel

Happy Thanksgiving from the Eren Design Family

Happy Thanksgiving from the entire Eren Design & Remodel family.

Our family, which if you didn’t know, is a big one. We’re a family owned and operated business home based right here in Tucson. Not only do several of my family members work here – our entire staff is like family. This group is just incredible. And, so are you.

It is thanks to our amazing clients and fantastic team that we’ve seen such success.

One of my favorite things to do during Thanksgiving is take a moment to consider all I am thankful for. And this year, I asked my staff to join in.

The responses were overwhelming and filled my heart with such joy. Our staff reported being thankful for family and friends. They reminisced about their husbands and wives. They shared pictures of their kids, their pets, and their recent vacations.

They spoke of chocolate, sunrises, sunsets, and the freedoms we have as citizens of this great country. I heard stories about supportive co-workers and inspiring clients.

It was, without a doubt, the best way to celebrate Thanksgiving.

As I took my own moment of reflection, I’m most grateful for the opportunities life never ceases to provide: limitless learning, the absolute magic of laughter, the thrill of mountains of challenges, the choice of loving and the warm wonder of deep caring – friends and co-workers, clients and associates, and family.

May your hearts be filled with gladness and your home be filled with joy this holiday season!

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