Eren Design & Remodel

Home Design Advice: Get Rid of Clutter

If you want to make your home feel bigger but you do not want to commit to a huge renovation project, simply reducing the amount of clutter in your home can go a long way. This weekend, why not go through your home with a keen eye and look for stuff you don’t need or want.

If you pick up an item and say you forgot you had it, chances are it is serving no purpose cluttering your space and hindering your home design. The season for garage sales is ending fast, but you can still set one up to get rid of some old items.

Once you clean out your closets and cabinets of all the stuff you won’t ever miss, you can start putting away items you’ve just been leaving on the coffee table. You may not be done with those magazines just yet, but you also don’t need to show everyone what you’re reading. Find a spot on the book shelf and use the table for its intended purpose.

After decluttering your home, your design choices will be more obvious. People will notice how great the couch, rug, and wall colors all match perfectly instead of just seeing toys left on the floor. You’ve already put in the hard work of making your place gorgeous, so now it’s time to just make it shine through! Though your before and after shot won’t look dramatically different, you will at least have a more open, more organized, and more functional home design.

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