Eren Design & Remodel

Low Maintenance Remodeling – Water Softeners

While helping clients plan their remodel, I’m often asked what changes will make their home low maintenance. Water softeners. I repeat – WATER SOFTENERS!

For now, I want to keep your focus on water softeners. I’m telling you about them not only as someone who’s been in the design and remodel field over 25 years, but as a Tucson resident. Before we installed a water softener, the calcium build up was so bad we had to replace our showerheads multiple times.

Why the calcium buildup? Arizona’s water is full of minerals, particularly calcium, making it incredibly hard. Calcium creates white crystals in pipes and showerheads. These minerals leaves a hard to clean, white film on shower doors, walls, and tubs. Hard water also interferes with laundry, dishwashing, and even personal grooming. Dishes may be spotted on drying. Clothes can look dingy and feel harsh and scratchy. Hair is known to feel sticky and look dull.

We recommend using WaterTech, a water softener which takes a step beyond the typical softeners sold at local home improvement warehouses.

How a Water Softener Works

A water softener is a mechanical appliance plugged into your home water supply. The WaterTech water softener we recommend is called a REIONATOR. It flows untreated water through positive and negative ions (anions and cations). Anion resins reduce aesthetic chlorine taste and odor. Cation resins soften water by reducing calcium. The conditioned water then re-enters your home while the system recharges the resins and releases the contaminants down the drain.

So, I repeat – WATER SOFTENERS. They cut down on calcium build-up, saving you from scummy showers and dirty clothes. And ladies, lets not forget cleaner hair!

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