Eren Design & Remodel

Remodel Your Home & Add Character to a Plain House

Let’s start off with a hypothetical: Let’s say you found a home that’s in the perfect location with the perfect amount of space and the overall style fits your personality just right.

Aside from these great qualities from this tremendous find, though, you don’t quite feel at home even after you’ve unpacked your boxes. The house still seems plain and stale and you just can’t put your finger on it. If this happens to you, the one thing this almost-perfect house may be missing could be some personality!

Remodeling your home for character can be as big a project as you’d like. Maybe the house already has a charming side that a fresh coat of paint will bring out. Maybe it’s an average run-of-the-mill single family house with nothing outwardly special that may need a bit of elbow grease to make it feel more like you.

As always, a great place to start remodeling is the kitchen. It can be hard to change great kitchen cabinets, but even just removing the doors of some will create a bold design statement. They’re still practical and keep your cookbooks within reach, but break up an otherwise boring wall of doors and drawers.

Light fixtures are also a great way to remodel your house and make it feel more like your home without tapping too much into your budget. It’s easy to replace stock lights with fixtures that just fit your style better and you can even update them as you go.

Remember, home is where your heart is, so don’t be afraid to make it your own!

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