Eren Design & Remodel

Texture In Your New Southwestern Interior Design

The desert is a beautiful place. Here in Arizona, the Sonora Desert is a wild, untamed landscape of color, life and textures. The varied species of plants and animals, and vast differences in landscape, geology all lend themselves to a diverse ecosystem waiting to be explored.

Your adventure can begin right in your very own home! By keeping “texture” in mind, throughout your creative process, as a crucial element of interior design, your end result will really come together in a seamless fashion. Find inspiration for these textures just by looking out the window!

Some different ways to incorporate texture into your home design can include: Utilizing small indoor plants as dining or coffee table centerpieces or accessories for a hallway table.  By building bookcases, shelves, or other pieces that serve a storage function, directly into your walls, you can add a jolt to an otherwise neutral looking space, while also creating some much needed texture in your design. By incorporating natural wood planks or clays into your design, texture takes on a more organic feel.

Texture doesn’t necessarily have to be structural. It can have a more temporary role, in which you might swap various items to reflect the changing seasons. American Indian rugs, blankets and baskets add color, texture and character while contributing a true southwesterninterior design. Feathers, dream catchers or Old West kitchen utensils creatively incorporated or displayed can also satisfy your need for texture.

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